
高效多主軸加工中心 High Efficiency Multi Spindles Machining Center
高效多主軸加工中心 High Efficiency Multi Spindles Machining Center
高效多主軸加工中心 High Efficiency Multi Spindles Machining Center
RFMV80Z is a double spindle vertical machining center independently developed by Rifa. The machine tool is designed and manufactured inaccordance with ISO international standards. It can clamp multiple workpieces at a time for multiple processing, such as milling, boring, drilling, reaming, tapping, and threading. The work efficiency of the two machines can be achieved with less than the input of two machines. The dual spindle high-speed synchronous tool change mode further reduces the influence of auxiliary time on the processing rhythm. The machine tool adopts modular design, and can bereplaced with a variety of spindle configurations/specifications to meet production efficiency requirements. It is the ideal equipment for efficient parts processing in automobile, ship, transportation, energy, equipment and other industries.
  • RFMV80Z是日發(fā)精機自主研發(fā)的一款雙主軸立式加工中心。該機床設計制造符合ISO國際標準,可一次裝夾多個(gè)工件進(jìn)行銑、鏜、鉆、鉸、攻絲、螺紋等多加工,以不到兩臺機的投入,實(shí)現兩臺機的工作效率。雙主軸高速同步換刀方式,進(jìn)一步減少輔助時(shí)間對加工節拍的影響。機床采用模塊化設計,可更換為多種主軸配置/規格滿(mǎn)足生產(chǎn)效率要求。是汽車(chē)、船舶、交通、能源、和裝備等行業(yè)高效零件加工的理想設備。

    RFMV80Z is a double spindle vertical machining center independently developed by Rifa. The machine tool is designed and manufactured inaccordance with ISO international standards. It can clamp multiple workpieces at a time for multiple processing, such as milling, boring, drilling, reaming, tapping, and threading. The work efficiency of the two machines can be achieved with less than the input of two machines. The dual spindle high-speed synchronous tool change mode further reduces the influence of auxiliary time on the processing rhythm. The machine tool adopts modular design, and can bereplaced with a variety of spindle configurations/specifications to meet production efficiency requirements. It is the ideal equipment for efficient parts processing in automobile, ship, transportation, energy, equipment and other industries.

  • 規格